Burcu Arslan
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E-mail: barslan.psy@gmail.com; aburcu@metu.edu.tr
Ph.D., Middle East Technical University (present).
M.S., Middle East Technical University, 2018.
B.Sc. Middle East Technical University, 2015
Research Interests
Driver Behavior, Driver Coping with Stress, Safety Culture, Distracted Driving
Yılmaz, Ş., Arslan, B., Öztürk, İ., Özkan, Ö., Özkan, T., & Lajunen, T. (2022). Driver social desirability scale: A Turkish adaptation and examination in the driving context. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 84, 53-64.
Arslan, B. (2021). The Relationship between Dispositional Affect and Traffic Locus of Control in Driving . Trafik ve Ulaşım Araştırmaları Dergisi , 4 (2) , 84-95 . DOI: 10.38002/tuad.992975
Ahan, A. O., Arisoy, D. O., Muderrisoglu, K., Arslan, B., & Guclu, R. (2018, August). Use of a H∞ Controller on a Half Semi-trailer Truck Model to Reduce Vibrations and Its Implications on Human Factor. In Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (pp. 421-435). Springer, Cham.
Arslan, B., & Öz, B. (2018, August). Role of Dispositional Affect on Coping Strategies of Turkish Drivers. In Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (pp. 672-678). Springer, Cham.
Oral Presentations
Arslan, Burcu & Öz, Bahar (2016, November). Trafik Ortamlarında Portre Kültür Değerleri ve Yaya Davranışlarının İlişkisi. 19th National Psychology Congress. İzmir, TURKEY.
Arslan, Burcu & Öz, Bahar (2018, August). Role of Positive and Neagtive Affect on Coping Strategies of Turkish Drivers. 20th Congress of International Ergonomics Association. Florence, ITALY.
Ahan, A. O., Arisoy, D. O., Muderrisoglu, K., Arslan, B., & Guclu, R. (2018, August). Use of a H∞ Controller on a Half Semi-trailer Truck Model to Reduce Vibrations and Its Implications on Human Factor. In Congress of the International Ergonomics Association. 20th Congress of International Ergonomics Association. Florence, ITALY.
Yılmaz, Şerife & Arslan, Burcu (2021, October). Analyzing the values of Ankara Electricity, Gas and Bus Operations Organization in terms of Schwartz's Value Theory. International Road Safety Congress by Turkish National Police Academy Directorate of Traffic Institute. Online Presentation.
Poster Presentations
Burcu Arslan, Özge Özer & Türker Özkan (2018, November). Denizcilik Tarihinin En Beklenmedik Kazası: Batmaz Sanılan RMS TITANIC Gemisinin Kaza Analizi (A Light on Mystery: Accident Analysis of Shipwreck of "Unskinable"
Ship, RMS TITANIC). Presented in 20th National Psychology Congress. Ankara/TURKEY
Burcu Arslan, Elif Bürümlü, Merve Bulazar & Türker Özkan (2014, February). The Effect Of Priming On Attitude Toward Speeding. Poster presented in Issues In Contemporary Psychology course.
Burcu Arslan, Merve Bulazar, Büşra Sel & Timo J. Lajunen (2015, January). Effects of Big-Five Personality Dimensions on the Acceptance of Three Types of Intelligence Speed Adaptation. Poster presented in Social Psychology of Driver Behavior course.