Derya Azık
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Ph.D., Middle East Technical University (present).
M.S., Middle East Technical University, 2015.
B.Sc. Middle East Technical University, 2012.
Research Interests
Driving Anxiety, Driving Avoidance, Driving Self-Regulation, Regulatory Behavior, Emotion Regulation, Safety Behaviors, Driving Behaviors
M.Sc. thesis: Self-Regulatory Driving Practices of Old and Young Drivers, 2015
Azık, D., Solmazer, G., et. al. (2021). Road users’ evaluations and perceptions of road infrastructure, trip characteristics, and daily trip experiences across countries, Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 11, 100412, DOI: 0.1016/j.trip.2021.100412
Yüzer Günay, E., Azık, D., Öz, B., & Yüce, N. (2020). Examination of the Relationship Between Vehicle Segment Used and Driver Behaviors and Driver Skills. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Research, 3 (2), 133-144.
Üzümcüoğlu, Y., Ersan, Ö., ...Azık, D., et al., (2020). A short scale of traffic climate across five countries. Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 17(46), 673-702.
Fındık, G. Solmazer, G.,..., Azık, D., et al., (2020). Cross-cultural differences in pedestrian behaviors in relation to values: A comparison of five countries. Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, DOI: 10.1080/19439962.2020.1784341
Solmazer, G., Azık, D., et al., (2020). Cross-cultural differences in pedestrian behaviors in relation to values: A comparison offive countries. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 138, 105459.
Ersan, Ö., Üzümcüoğlu, Y., Azık, D., et al., (2020). Cross-cultural differences in driver aggression, aberrant, and positive driver behaviors. Transportation Research Part F, 71, 88-97.
Ersan, Ö., Üzümcüoğlu, Y., Azık, D., et al., (2019). The Relationship Between Self and Other in Aggressive Driving and Driver Behaviors Across Countries. Transportation Research Part F, 66, 122-138.
Kaçan, B., Fındık, G., Üzumcuoğlu, Y., Azık, D., et al., (2019). Driver profi-les based on values and traffic safety climate and their relationships with driver behaviors. Transportation Research Part F, 64, 246-259.
Azık, D. & Özkan, T . (2018). Tactical and Strategical Distribution of Driving Self-Regulatory Behaviors for Old and Young Drivers in Turkey. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Research, 1 (1), 14-35.
Azık., D., Ersan, Ö., Fındık, G., Kaçan, B., Özkan, T., Solmazer, G., Üzümcüoğlu. Y., Pashkevich, A., Pashkevich, M., Danelli-Mylona, Delli, G., Dhrami, K., Georgogianni, D., Janku, E., Krasniqi, E. B., Krasniqi, M., Lajunen, T. Makris, E., Öz, B., Salamon, B., Shubenkova, K. van Strijp-Houtenbos, M., Volynets, A. ve Xheladinic,G. (2018). Draft of Change - Management Strategy (Deliverable 4.2) for Traffic Safety Cultures and the Safe Systems Approach Towards a Cultural Change Research and Innovation Agenda for Road Safety (TraSaCu) Project.
Azık., D., Ersan, Ö., Findik, G., Kaçan, B., Solmazer, G., Üzümcüoğlu. Y., DanelliMylona, Delli, G., Dhrami, K., Georgogianni, D., Janku, E., Krasniqi, E. B., Krasniqi, M., Lajunen, T. Makris, E., Öz, B., Özkan, T., Pashkevich, A., Pashkevich, M., Salamon, B., Shubenkova, K. van Strijp-Houtenbos, M., Volynets, A., ve Xheladinic, G. (2018). Model of traffic cultures and impact (Deliverable 4.1) for Traffic Safety Cultures and the Safe Systems Approach Towards a Cultural Change Research and Innovation Agenda for Road Safety (TraSaCu) Project, 1-228
Özkan, T., Üzümcüoğlu, Y.,. . . Azık, D.,. . . Erkuş, U. U. (2016). Türkiye Analizi: Takip Çalışması Sürücü ve Ön Koltuk Yolcularının Emniyet Kemeri Kullanımı. Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü. (289 p.)
Azık, D. ve Biçer, D. Ö. (2014). Emniyet Kemeri Kullanımı ve Hız arasındaki iki yönlü ilişki: Orta doğu Teknik Üniversitesi’inde bir gözlemsel çalıẟma. Durna, T., Tosun, H., Yüksel, Y., Demirkol, İ. C. (Eds.), 5th Road Traffic Safety Symposium and Exhibition. (pp. 119-130). İklim Yayınları.
Oral Presentations
Okçuer, N. & Azık, D. (2021, July). Covid-19 effects on anxiety and stress. 32nd International Congress of Psychology Praha, Çekya.
Salduz, M., Azık, D. & Öz B. (2021, Temmuz). Perceptions of professional drivers and unprofessional drivers about each other in traffic. 32nd International Congress of Psychology) Praha, Çekya.
Azık Özkan, D., & Özkan T. (2019, Temmuz). Driving Decisions of Young and Old Drivers - Driving Self-Regulation. 16th European Congress of Psychology) Moscow, Russia.
Azık Özkan, D., & Özkan T. (2018, Kasım). Trafikte Öz-Düzenleyici Davranışlar ve Sapkın Sürücü Davranışları. 20. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi, Ankara, Turkey.
Poster Presentations
Azık Özkan, D., Kazemiafshar, A., Özkan T. (2019, July). Analysis of Air Crash Accident: Root Cause Anaylsis of IranAir Airlines Flight 1974- IR-277. 16th Europen Congress of Psychology, Moscow, Russia.
Azık Özkan, D., Kazemiafshar, A., & Özkan T. (2019, July). Root Cause Analysis of Air France Flight 447 Accident (1 June 2009). 16th Europen Congress of Psychology Moscow, Russia.
Azık Özkan, D., Yüzer Günay, E., Yüce, A. N., & Öz, B. (2019, July). Examination of the Relationship between the Vehicle Segment Used and Human Factors in Driving. 16th Europen Congress of Psychology) Moscow, Russia.
Azık, D. & Öz, B. (2018). Negatif ve Pozitif Duygu Durumlarının Sürücü Davranışları ile İlişkisi : Bir Alanyazın Derlemesi. 20. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi Ankara, Turkey.
Azık, D., Özer, Ö. Kazemiafshar, A., & Özkan T. (2018). Atlantik Okyanusu Turist Uçağı Kazası Kök Neden Analiz Çalışması - Birgenair 301 Sefer Sayılı Uçuşu. 20. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi Ankara, Turkey.
Traffic Safety Cultures and the Safe Systems Approach – Towards a Cultural Change Research and Innovation Agenda for Road Safety (TraSaCu), European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska- Curie grant. Researcher, 2015- 2018.