Towards Safer Road Traffic in Eastern Mediterranean Region

Towards Safer Road Traffic in Eastern Mediterranean Region

Every year, over 41,000 people die and 1.6 million get injured in European road traffic. There are however considerable regional differences in the number of traffic deaths. Despite this vast difference between the Southern and Europe in traffic safety, the reasons behind different accident risk figures have remained mainly unexamined. This Transfer of Knowledge Project is aimed at improving the knowledge and research skills of Eastern Mediterranean traffic researchers by training experienced researchers in Greece and Turkey and sending selected researchers to the leading road safety research institutes in the EU. The actions will target the following new or under-developed priority areas in traffic safety research in the Eastern Mediterranean region: human factors, societal factors in traffic safety, driving abilities of elderly professional drivers, and social psychological models of traffic behavior. New research and training in these theory-based research areas will produce practical applications for driver education and licensing, enforcement, driver selection, and engineering solutions. This project is a multi-disciplinary project in which traffic safety experts in different fields will be working together. Similarly, every project will include an incoming expert and local researchers. Especially, a collaboration between Greek and Turkish researchers will be supported. In the first phase, research projects will be conducted in Turkey. In the second phase, a core group of researchers will be sent to a specialized training period to partner institutes. The emphasis of the training will be on new methods and technologies.

Last Updated:
11/12/2021 - 19:38